01394 276662
Acne Removal
@ The Salon by Jennifer Louise
The Science
Most of us experience acne to some extent during our lives. For many people it is a short-term annoyance, but others develop more long-term and more severe acne.
Acne occurs when one of the skin´s natural oils – sebum – is unable to leave the skin because the hair follicle is blocked. This may result in a blackhead, or a whitehead, and can lead to the growth of bacteria below the surface of the skin. Inflammation can occur, and the rupture of an inflamed area can lead to scarring.
Medication can help to reduce acne, but the AW3® procedure in combination with prescription medication has been clinically proven to accelerate the healing process for acne.
ICE Diode Laser Treatments
Acne Clearance Single Treatment
7 Sessions for the price of 6
Clogging of hair follicles that lead to unsightly and painful skin lesions.
from £60.00
Covers back, chest and buttocks pustules and nodules, bacterial infection.
from £60.00
Inflammation redness.
from £60.00
Frequently Asked Questions
How long does treatment take and what can I expect?
You may notice some general redness on the face following the treatment. If you have sun-damaged skin, some of the pigmented spots may turn darker and eventually disappear. The bacteria are difficult to eradicate completely, your doctor will probably recommend that you continue using adapalene cream for a few months after the AW3® acne treatment course. Should you suffer from a future acne outbreak, the treatment can be repeated as a top up. Although results vary from person to person, but the AW3® system achieves a superior results compared to any others of it’s range.
Who can be treated?
Anyone with acne who wants clearer looking skin! If you have permanent acne you will benefit from this treatment. The best results are achieved on inflammatory acne – best known as those red, aching, raised pimples.
Does it hurt?
Although the AW3® technology produces less pain than most systems on the market, tolerance to pain varies from individual. No anesthetics are required, and many patients describe the discomfort as a warming sensation similar to the feeling after a day on the beach.
How do I know this is safe and effective?
AW3® systems has been used worldwide by leading doctors and specialists for many years. AW3® has a loud voice in the laser industry and is one of the leading innovators of laser machines since the 90s when it was first commercialise. The settings used for your treatment will be based on the settings recommended by the clinicians who carried out the clinical trials.